USGS topographic map of Jamieson, Oregon, dated 1950, updated 1952.Includes geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), lines of elevation, bodies of water, roads, and more. This topo quad is suitable for recreational, outdoor uses, office applications, or wall map framing.Printed on-demand by YellowMaps on the print material of your choice.Shipping rolled from Minneapolis, MN, United States.Product Number: USGS-5544898Map Size: 20.7 inches high x 16.8 inches wideMap Scale: 1:62500Map Type: POD USGS Topographic MapMap Series: HTMCMap Version: HistoricalCell ID: 55846Scan ID: 282613Imprint Year: 1952Woodland Tint: YesAerial Photo Year: 1946Field Check Year: 1950Datum: NAD27Map Projection: PolyconicMap published by United States Geological SurveyMap Language: EnglishScanner Resolution: 600 dpiMap Cell Name: JamiesonGrid size: 15 X 15 MinuteDate on map: 1950Geographical region: Oregon, United StatesNorthern map edge Latitude: 44.25°Southern map edge Latitude: 44°Western map edge Longitude: -117.5°Eastern map edge Longitude: -117.25°Surrounding map sheets (copy & paste the Product No. in the search bar):North: USGS-5544860,USGS-5544862,USGS-5416761,USGS-5544858East: USGS-5545112,USGS-5545116,USGS-5418994,USGS-5545114South: USGS-5422582,USGS-5424766,USGS-5424770,USGS-5424768West: USGS-5544302,USGS-5422094
Printed on Regular Paper (32lb) USGS topographic map of Jamieson, OR, at 1:62500 scale. High-quality paper print. Perfect for wall maps. Cities, towns, villages: Home (historical),Jamieson,Willowcreek,Dennis,Warm Springs (historical),Dell (historical) Rivers, creeks: Dry Creek,Kern Creek,Mud Creek,Phipps Creek,Gum Creek,South Fork Little Willow Creek,Poison Creek,Turner Creek,Rock Cabin Creek,Little Willow Creek,Cottonwood Creek,Lick Creek,North Fork Little Willow Creek Lakes: Consult topo map preview for bodies of fresh water.
57.00 Gramos
16.8 x 20.7 pulgadas
Fabricante es USGS
Printed on Regular Paper (32lb), USGS topographic map of Jamieson, OR, at 1:62500 scale. High-quality paper print. Perfect for wall maps., Cities, towns, villages: Home (historical),Jamieson,Willowcreek,Dennis,Warm Springs (historical),Dell (historical), Rivers, creeks: Dry Creek,Kern Creek,Mud Creek,Phipps Creek,Gum Creek,South Fork Little Willow Creek,Poison Creek,Turner Creek,Rock Cabin Creek,Little Willow Creek,Cottonwood Creek,Lick Creek,North Fork Little Willow Creek, Lakes: Consult topo map preview for bodies of fresh water.
Mapas Topográficos
YellowMaps Jamieson OR topo map, 162500 Scale, 15 X 15 Minute, Historical, 1950, Updated 1952, 20.7 x 16.8 in
Printed on Regular Paper (32lb), USGS topographic map of Jamieson, OR, at 1:62500 scale. High-quality paper print. Perfect for wall maps., Cities, towns, villages: Home (historical),Jamieson,Willowcreek,Dennis,Warm Springs (historical),Dell (historical), Rivers, creeks: Dry Creek,Kern Creek,Mud Creek,Phipps Creek,Gum Creek,South Fork Little Willow Creek,Poison Creek,Turner Creek,Rock Cabin Creek,Little Willow Creek,Cottonwood Creek,Lick Creek,North Fork Little Willow Creek, Lakes: Consult topo map preview for bodies of fresh water.
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